A Big Birthday is a cause for a big celebration.

However it is also a time that makes us pause and reflect on our lives to date and our hopes for the future.  Give yourself a big birthday present at The Cremore Clinic and have a MILESTONE MEDICAL.

What does that entail?

Different age groups will need to be tested for different aspects of future illnesses.

At every age however we will assess your lifestyle, your family history, your stress levels and mental health. We will do a battery of tests, including blood tests, that will diagnose and prevent diseases like diabetes, anaemia, haemochromatosis, liver and kidney disease, high cholesterol levels, prostate disease in men, and menopause or fertility issues (like poly cystic ovarian syndrome) in women.   We also of course are part of the Cervical Check programme and we encourage both men and women to look after their bone health and their sexual health.

Our nurses and doctors can perform ECGs, spirometry, 24 hour blood pressure monitoring and a host of other procedures and tests depending on the nature of your symptoms on examination.

If you have a worrying mole or skin lesion, we can perform minor surgery.

For women we would recommend that you have a full fertility check when you approach thirty and a full menopause check at fifty.   Sixty is the new forty and we want to keep you as  fit and healthy as possible.

For men we would love to see you at forty to maximise your lifestyle and nutrition and to screen for prostate and heart disease as we know we can prevent so many illnesses at an early stage.

We would like to maximise your health and fitness at any age so that you can give your future self a really important present; the gift of health.


Appropriate screening health check-ups for men depend on a number of factors:

1 Age….…2 Family History…….3 Your Lifestyle and behaviour risk factors…….4 What we can test for.

At any age:
Standard blood tests can be done for iron levels, to test your basic body biochemistry, screen for diabetes, cholesterol and thyroid function.

Health History and Examination of Blood pressure and pulse, heart and lungs height weight and are basic indicators of cardiovascular health

Mental Health and sexual health screening may be an important part of your health check at any age, please not that these areas can require significant separate appointments to deal with problems in these areas.

Over the age of 45 – Diseases of the heart and circulation and cancers are the biggest causes of death and predominate. Cholesterol profile diabetes screening, cardiovascular examination (heart lungs and blood pressure) as well as other screening bloods are performed Prostate cancer is a cancer we cancer we can screen for by a blood test and usually (but not always necessary), a prostate examination which can be easily done. We recommend screening from the age of 45 and generally every 2 years after that. Screening is not perfect and can miss some cancer and it is important you understand the value and limits of screening for any disease especially prostate so this should be discussed before testing {Prostate testing and its meaning READ MORE button} Erectile dysfunction becomes more frequent as we get older and is related to hardening of the arteries and can be the first signs of circulatory problems

Under the age of 45 – Your health check should concentrate on lifestyle and behaviour risk factors and any unusual family history of early illness ( 1st degree relatives especially) that might have a family link. All men especially under 40 should regularly self-examine their testicles as testicular cancer (although still rare) does occur under 40 more commonly. If you want a health screening check up please note this requires seeing a doctor for a double appointment initially and fasting bloods tests which can be made on the same day aft the doctors appointment or on a separate day and based on the assessment by your doctor on the day and/or the results of your tests may or may not require further assessment/ tests where appropriate and advice.

Health screening is an ongoing process between you and your doctor and is a good life habit for all of us.

(1) National Men’s Health Action Plan Healthy Ireland – Men HI-M 2017-2021 Working with men in Ireland to achieve optimum health and wellbeing. Department of Health, HSE, Health Inequality Ireland

(2) The Men and Cancer Report Clarke N., Sharp L., O’Leary E. & Richardson N. (2013). An examination of the excess burden of cancer in men. Institute of Technology Carlow

(3) Central Statistics Office (2011). Quarterly National Household Survey. Quarter 3, 2010. Health Status and Health Service Utilisation. Cork: Central Statistics Office


Want to know exactly what our Milestone Medical checkup entails? Our reception is always happy to answer any questions and book your appointment for a time that suits you. Just send us an email or pick up the phone today.

Dr. Nuala O'Farrell

The Cremore Clinic opened its doors on the first of August 1990. As its founder Dr Nuala is interested in in fertility and helping couples to achieve pregnancy. She is also very interested in helping women through the vicissitudes of the menopausal years. Her post graduate training in the specialty of Paediatrics has stimulated her enduring interest in children and their development. Teenagers and their problems are her special interest in recent years.

Dr. Sarah Lawler

Dr Sarah Lawler has been working in Cremore Clinic since she completed GP training with the UCD mid Leinster training scheme in 2013 gaining an MICGP qualification. Sarah has a particular interest in women’s health In particular fertility/ infertility assessments and is pursuing further training in this area in conjunction with SIMS fertility clinic and the university of Bournemouth. Her other interests are in contraception and insertion of long acting contraceptive devices such as Mirenas, implanon and Copper coils and treatment of STIs.

Dr. Caroline Duggan

Dr Caroline Duggan qualified from the UCD School of Medicine in 2005. Following completion of her internship in the Mater Hospital and Limerick she spent some time as a resident in the Royal Perth Hospital, Australia prior to returning to the Mater Hospital in Dublin to commence her Post Graduate training in Medicine where she received her MRCPI (Membership of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland). She has been with us in the Cremore Clinic since July 2013.


Our reception is ready to take your call, answer your questions, and book your appointment today.